Deck Cleaning
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per hour
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for 3 hours
for 4 hours
for 5 hours
for 6 hours
for 7 hours
for 8 hours
for 9 hours
for 10 hours
for 11 hours
for 12 hours
for 13 hours
for 14 hours
for 15 hours
for 16 hours
per day
per additional hour
per additional day
for 2 days
for 3 days
for 4 days
for 5 days
for 1 week
for 2 weeks
for 3 weeks
for 1 month
per item
per sq foot
Product Information:
Give your outdoor space a fresh start with our top-quality deck pressure washing services. Our expert team uses state-of-the-art equipment and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to restore the natural beauty of your deck.
Not only will our services leave your deck looking brand new, but regular pressure washing can also help extend the life of your deck. By removing dirt, grime, and other contaminants, we can help prevent premature wear and deterioration of your deck's surface.
But it does not stop there – we also offer a range of additional services to help keep your outdoor space looking its best. Ask for more information about services ranging from stain removal and wood restoration to sealing and protection. If we do not have everything you need to maintain the health and appearance of your deck, our professionals can work with you to find a solution that fits.
Do not let your deck become an eyesore – contact us today to schedule your pressure washing appointment. With our attention to detail and commitment to customer satisfaction, you can trust that your outdoor space is in good hands. Give your deck the refresh it deserves and enjoy all the benefits of a clean and beautiful outdoor space.
Circuits needed:
Item Dimensions:
Space Needed:
- DELIVERY: We deliver to Akron OH and surrounding areas (delivery fees calculated at checkout).
- COUPONS:Click here to check for coupons.
- RAIN POLICY: You can reschedule your rental due to rain at no extra cost as long as 24 hour notice is given.
- OCCUPANCY: A maximum of 5-6 kids of equal size at one time for bounce houses, and 1 person at a time for slides is what most inflatable manufacturers recommend.
- CLEANING: All units are cleaned and sanitized before use.
- Extension Cord
- Blower
- Safety Stakes to secure to ground
- Enough space for us to setup your rental
- Electric outlet within 50 feet of setup area
- Water source and water hose if renting a water slide